Treadmills for Sale

Spirit Fitness XT685 Treadmill


Spirit Fitness CT800 Commercial Treadmill


Spirit Fitness CT800ENT Commercial Treadmill


Precor TRM 835 Treadmill


Precor TRM 631 Treadmill


Star Trac 4TR LCD Treadmill


Star Trac 10 Series 10TRx FreeRunner Treadmill with LCD console


Precor TRM 731 Treadmill


Life Fitness Club Series+ Treadmill with SL Console


California Home Fitness has over 100 years combined fitness equipment experience. With that expertise, we have reviewed most running machine brands available to you so that we can offer only the most reliable and best functioning compact treadmills for sale in our line-up. We sell such renowned home gym treadmill brands as Life Fitness, Precor, Spirit and more. CA Home Fitness has many award-winning and best-buy fitness treadmills for sale in our store. We’ve got top-of-the-line incline home gym treadmills that will elevate your fitness journey. When you incorporate one of our home gym treadmills into your workout, you will experience a low-impact exercise that will improve your cardiovascular health while also making your muscles stronger. You might even feel more relaxed afterward and enjoy better sleep.  We welcome you to visit one of our fitness equipment super stores to try our home gym treadmills out. We also guarantee the best prices, so please call one of our stores near you as you search out the best place to find treadmills for sale in Southern California. You can shop for incredible treadmills and running machines at one of our showrooms in San Diego, Orange and Los Angeles Counties.  Find a CAHF Fitness Equipment store near you.