Glute Machines

Precor Glute Bridge Bench


Nautilus Glute Drive | Best Glute Machine


BodyKore Hip thrust FL1844


Precor Kneeling Glute Isolator


BodyKore CF8131 Glute Press


Precor Hip Thrust Elite


BodyKore Rear Glute Kick - GR810


Glute machines for sale at California Home Fitness.

Are you working your glutes with free weights but want a safer or more effective option, California Home Fitness can help with our Glute Machines for sale at our stores. These Hip Thrust and Glute press machines allow users to do safe exercises at home while improving their glute strength, glute size and results.

Call our experts and ask about the popular pieces of glute equipment that we offer at our locations, including GluteBuilder by Precor, Nautilus Glute Drive and BodyKore hip thrust. 

Users who purchase Glute Machines and Hip Thrusts can enjoy various benefits, such as proper biomechanics, back support and hip straps. By using our machines, you will make your body stronger, meaning you can avoid experiencing painful back injuries. And don’t worry about our machines being too costly. We have many options to choose from with our glute equipment that will fit your needs and budget.

Before you buy one of our Glute Machines for sale, get informed about your options at our locations, where our staff members can show you how to operate them and explain how these machines will improve your health. Then you’ll be ready to move one of these quality machines into your home to enhance your workouts.