How To Utilize Gym Equipment While Recovering From an Injury

How To Utilize Gym Equipment While Recovering From an Injury

Recovering from an injury isn’t exactly easy if you love working out. But pushing yourself to continue your previously established exercise routine could worsen the injury, especially if you do high-impact movements like running. The good news is you don’t have to give up exercise altogether! Below, we’ll discuss how to use gym equipment while recovering from an injury so that you can remain active as your body heals. 

Listen to Your Body

One of the most important, if not the most important thing is to listen to yourself. Our bodies are incredible and will tell us when to quit even if we don’t want to. If movements feel too strenuous, it’s time for a break. Pushing yourself after an injury won’t get you more fit, and it will increase the chances of making it worse. Exercise shouldn’t hurt; you should never push through the pain or ignore it. This is your body telling you it’s time to stop.

Don’t Leap Into Things

Understandably, you may want to get back to your workout immediately, but this will set you back. Give the affected area two weeks to heal, then gradually build your way back into working out with different activities.

Additionally, take time to outline a new workout plan that you’ll enjoy as you recover. You’ll have to do workouts that target other body areas so that the injured area can completely repair itself. 

Talk to Your Doctor

Most trainers and fitness experts advise talking to your primary doctor before you try working out. This is because while you may think everything is fine, they may say otherwise. A health care worker will know how exercise will impact the injury and may even have recommendations on what you can do.

For example, if you injured your Achilles tendon, your doctor may tell you to replace running with low-impact exercise. These forms of movement could include using a stationary bike, going on a walk—not a speed walk—hula hooping, and so on.

Do the Right Workouts

Another important tip on using exercise equipment when recovering is to utilize gear that works other body parts. So, if you overstretch a muscle in your arm, try some leg or abdominal exercises. 

Recovering From Lower Back Injuries

This type of injury takes time to heal, and many movements aggravate the area. Walking may help stretch the muscle but remember to talk to your doctor first. Many also recommend that those with low back injuries try:

  • Wall sits.
  • A leg extension machine.
  • Leg raises. 

Each of these promote movements that won’t stress your lower back if you use proper form. However, if things begin hurting, take a break. If it persists, call your doctor.

Recovering From Arm and Shoulder Injuries

After an injury to your arm or shoulder, it’s best to avoid workouts that target these muscle groups. Try:

  • Walking/jogging.
  • Using an exercise bike.
  • Utilizing a stair climber. 

These types of exercise can mix resistance training with cardio. Workout gear like a stationary bike can get your legs and glutes in great shape without placing any pressure on your shoulder, elbow, or other areas of the arm.

Get the Best Equipment

California Home Fitness has upright stationary bikes for sale! We sell high-quality gym equipment because it lasts for years of regular use. Only use the best gear to get in shape.

Recovering from Leg Injuries

It can feel like all is lost once you injure your leg or one of its muscles. Walking may feel painful, and running or stair climbing is out of the question. Now’s the time to focus on sculpting your upper body. Some exercises include:

  • Weightlifting
  • Crunches
  • Yoga

These will help you maintain your physique while toning other body areas. For instance, exercises like yoga encourage stretching while also working your muscles. 

Recovering from Foot and Ankle Injuries

Finding exercises to do after a foot or ankle injury can feel pretty challenging. Depending on the injury, walking might be out of the question. But other forms of cardio don’t make your feet hold all the weight. Try:

  • Swimming
  • Biking
  • Elliptical training

These types of exercises take the pressure off your foot. Plus, these are great ways to get your heart pumping and muscles working. Exercises like swimming work your entire body and can add a bit of resistance training. 

Reset Fitness Goals

Before your injury, you may have walked 10 thousand steps a day, but this may not be possible while you recover. Remember, at its root, the goal of fitness is to improve your health while you enjoy what you do. Pushing your body beyond its limitations isn’t healthy and probably won’t make for a fun workout. 

You may have to take a break from cardio and instead focus on flexibility or strength training. Set temporary goals based on what’s comfortable, even if that means lifting lighter weights or changing your preferred cardio routine. Once you completely recover, you can get back to your previous fitness goals and feel even more motivated!

Bonus Tips for Recovering

After getting injured, you need to take proper care of your body so that it heals properly, and you can continue doing the exercises you love. Get adequate sleep each night—adults should get around eight to 10 hours. You can also take a warm bath or massage the affected area to help loosen your muscles. 

Finally, remember to maintain a balanced diet. Mix plenty of fruits, vegetables, proteins, and other healthy foods for your day's treat. You can still have a cookie or piece of chocolate if it gives you pleasure. 

Prevent Future Injuries

While you can’t prevent every type of injury, you can ensure some don’t happen. Check your form during resistance workouts to make sure you apply pressure to the appropriate areas. If you work out in a home gym and don’t have access to a trainer, look at online diagrams or videos. 

Also, buy quality gym equipment. Expensive workout gear is more durable, so you don’t have to worry about key areas breaking. Shop at California Home Fitness for top-quality workout gear! Make your home gym a place you can always work out with an array of equipment.

How To Utilize Gym Equipment While Recovering From an Injury