How To Make Stationary Biking a Part of Your Routine

How To Make Stationary Biking a Part of Your Routine

A stationary bike can be a useful piece of equipment for someone who wants to improve their cardiovascular fitness and strengthen their legs. However, it also helps when you know more about effectively incorporating it into your workout. Read below about how to make stationary biking part of your routine.

Choose Your Bike

One of the first things you need to do is choose the right stationary bike you want to exercise with. Each one has its own benefits that it can bring to the user.

Upright Bikes

One kind is the upright bike, which is the most similar to a bike that you would take on a ride outdoors on a road or a trail. It places the pedals underneath you and requires you to reach out to hold onto the handles. You can sit or stand as you exercise and work on your legs or core.

Recumbent Bikes

If you find that you need some back support while doing your exercise, consider using a recumbent bike instead. The experience of using one is like sitting in a chair, as it allows you to recline more as you use pedals that you extend your legs to reach. A recumbent bike will reduce your chances of experiencing an injury in your back, ankles, or even your knees.

Adjust Your Bike

After you’ve chosen your bike and moved it into your space, the next part of making stationary biking part of your routine is adjusting it. These small tweaks will help you avoid future injuries and discomfort that’ll hurt your progress in your workout.

Align the Saddle

One part of the upright bike you should adjust is the seat, which is also called the saddle. You can do this by lining it up with your hip bone when you’re next to it. Ensure you tighten the seat afterward so that it stays still while you exercise.

If you’re using a recumbent bike, you may have the option of moving the seat up or back. It’s best to find a spot where you’ll be the least uncomfortable while also being able to bend your knees as you pedal.

Adjust the Handlebars

If you can adjust the handlebars on your bike, you should put them in a position that causes you the least discomfort. Sit down on the bike and try to position them based on the posture you’ll use as you exercise. You may have the ability to raise them, lower them, move them forward, or even move them backward to whatever position works best for you.

Choose Your Workout

When you finally begin to use your stationary bike, you must choose the type of workout you’ll use. Fortunately, you have several options as you’re starting out.

Try a Hill Climb

One option you have is to try a “hill climb,” where you begin at a moderate pace for 5 minutes and then increase the resistance on your bike every 5 minutes afterward. This will be like the experience of actually going up a hill, and you’ll work your body more to maintain your pace.

Go for a Leisure Ride

If you want to spend less time adjusting your bike during your session, a “leisure ride” may be the answer. During this workout, you’ll pedal with your resistance set at level five for difficulty for 15 minutes to an hour. As you do this, you’ll get exercise that benefits your heart.

Mix It Up With Speed Intervals

If you feel like changing things up as you work out on your bike, try following speed intervals. You will begin your workout with a 5-minute warmup before going faster for 2 minutes and then going slower for the next 2 minutes.

You will then repeat this pattern throughout your workout, which can run up to half an hour. However, make sure you finish this routine by going slower.

Things To Remember When Using Your Bike

As you work out with your stationary bike, there are certain habits that you should remember and adopt so that you get the most out of your workout.

Do Your Warmup and Cooldown

Like most workouts, you must make sure you bookend your time on your bike with a warmup and a cooldown. If not, you’ll put yourself at risk of getting hurt during your workout. Not allowing yourself a cooldown also prevents your body from recovering after you exercise.

Maintain Good Posture

Always maintain good posture as you ride so that you avoid future back problems and other issues. Try to ride with a straight spine, and keep your shoulders back and your elbows somewhat bent.

Don’t Put Pressure on the Handlebars

If you find yourself leaning and putting your weight on your handlebars as you ride, it’s best to avoid doing that. You’ll be putting too much strain on your arms. Move back and redirect your focus toward your legs so that they get the workout they need.

Strap Your Foot in Appropriately

If your stationary bike comes with pedal straps, ensure you have your foot strapped in appropriately. If you tighten it too much, you may risk blood being unable to circulate to your foot as you ride.

But if you don’t tighten it enough, your foot may fall out, and you may get hurt. It’s important to find the right balance so that you can ride safely.

Don’t Let Your Head Slump

Although you may find it tempting to let your head slump forward as you finish a particularly rigorous session on your bike, don’t give in. If you do, you may prevent the blood and oxygen you need from reaching above your shoulders. Instead, raise your head up to better maintain your health.

These tips will help you more safely and effectively integrate a stationary bike into your workout. If you want to purchase an indoor cycle in Southern California, get in touch with California Home Fitness today. We offer products from the top brands you can rely on to provide you with high performance.  

How To Make Stationary Biking a Part of Your Routine